Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oct 1, 2011 Disney Half Marathon

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week 1

Back to it - week 1

I'm very excited, sore but excited. Got back into eating better this week. Really planning meals, having healthy choices on hand and #1 priority- working out & getting into some training for Oct 1st which is right around the corner.

Oct 1st is when I walk/run the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon.
My stepbrother signed me up for it months ago and the moment of truth is upon me.
I have been in a funk, not a deep funk, but a funk nevertheless and now I've got to work myself out of it.
I started. Everybody has to start somewhere.

Well this week was it for me.
Next week I do a 5K and the following week a 10K

So thats my prep that I have planned for the half marathon.

Hopefully I can keep a food/fitness journal right here on my blog.

SUCCESS - I can do this one day at a time.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Food log-pathetic!

Pathetic is at least somewhere to start. I can not believe I'm going to log back into my blog only to post this pathetic version of a food journal. Maybe I might possibly look back on this and laugh?

Today: no real "meals" to speak of and even as I type this out at 11:36 at night I'm not a bit hungry and I really haven't eaten anything proper.

Started the day with my usual coffee, large, Slenda and FF creamer.
1 slice of oatmeal bread toast on my way out the door
1 glass of water before I left the house

Get to work, went to the vending machine and got a bag of peanut M&Ms and a Diet Coke, WOW! Bfast of champions!

Past noon, I was hungry and grabbed a big handful of triscuits minis from my desk drawer where I try to keep on hand with mini babybels (cheese) for a snack. But no babybel today.
An hour later hungry (probably from zero protein) and I have a granola bar spread with peanut butter.

Late in the afternoon I have one of my 100 calorie snacks that I make myself, but this time it's strawberry/raspberry granola. Yikes more granola!!

All I had the remainder of the day was a bottle of diet raspberry green tea and lots of water.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Here are some photos from the trip: the sign that greeted us entering Sager-Brown, Bethany UMC in New Orleans where we all attended services before getting on the road headed for Baldwin, packing & praying over Tuesdays shipment going to Haiti, a couple of shots from the Tabasco plant on Avery Island, a boat I liked to call The Jenny (like from Forrest Gump) although it's actual name was Night Moves that sat right behind the Depot on the Bayou Teche, a cable car on the streets of New Orleans, The U.S.S. Alabama in Mobile Bay

Back (a whole week, still need to improve on blogging regularly) from Louisiana & MAN what a wonderful time we all had together! To say that we came away more blessed than the work, service or blessings we might have left in Baldwin is an understatement. It is always this way when you are doing Gods work!
Louisiana was fun, fun, fun. The people were fantastic, the work, although there was a lot of it, was made even more "joyful" by all of the people we got to know throughout the week and I don't think I'll ever forget the smell of soap as we walked into the warehouse every morning ready & willing to be God hands.
Sager-Brown was just an awesome place to be. Jerry & Marlene, out hosts, were always so helpful and they even had a treadmill in the gym, so I didnt have to miss any workouts (BIG BONUS!). Because even though we worked hard everyday & burned off most of our meals (and let me tell you we had some fabulous food, these ladies know how TO COOK at Sager-Brown) we had eaten well, breakfast, lunch & dinner, something I know most people don't do daily. Eat three square meals a day? I know I can hardly find time for that.

Aside from working all week, we did have one little excursion out on Wednesday afternoon. We took a side trip to Avery Island and the Tabasco plant there. Did you know they bottle 700,000 bottles of Tabasco in 1 single day working two 12 hr shifts back to back? Amazing. They have a salt mine on the island too & according to our guide she said the salt mine is as deep as Mt Everest is high. I couldn't find the exact statistics, but that sounded pretty interesting too. We went to the jungle gardens & got about as close as I'll ever want to get to a couple of baby alligators. We finished off our day having dinner at R&M's Boiling Point where everybody had catfish & crawfish and I tried a fried alligator Po Boy with some of the best onion rings I've ever tasted.

Sager-Brown is located in Baldwin, La. off of the Bayou Teche. The UMCOR Depot that our group went to work at houses the warehouse where all of the health kits, school kits, sewing kits, layette kits and birthing kits are assembled and stored ready for shipment all around the world. I would have to say the hilight of our week was packing the huge container that was going to Haiti. All of our teams worked together from Boaz, AL, Paris,TX our St Pauls UMC team & a large group of youth from La. We prayed over the shipment & sang The Doxology before it took off from the laoding dock. It was a wonderful moment.
I look forward to going back next year. It truly was a great experience. I have to add that aside from all of the work that we did with happy hearts, it was a great oppurtunity to know my fellow brothers & sisters from St Pauls a whole lot better and to fellowship with them.

One additional note, I am now OFFICIALLY under 200 lbs!!!!!!!
I weighed in on Thursday for this months weigh in & I am ECSTATIC!! Back to playing tennis yesterday too. Felt so good to sweat it out on the court!

Monday, May 31, 2010

TENNIS & grilling out...what a great Memorial Day!

I can say that I has an absolutely fabulous Memorial Day. Started the day off with playing 2 sets of tennis. Man was it hot!!! We were really sweating it out. It felt good, but the heat got to me by the later 1/2 of the second set & I did get a tad bit pink today. It will turn, I never burn, but my forehead got a little bit too much sun.

Then by the time we got home the French Open was on. So more tennis! The womens match was really good. I was wiped out from all the sun earlier. Later on we had the best BBQ - ribs & chicken! Along with that prized macaroni salad (recipe follows).

This might be a short entry, but that is because I was just completely satisfied with how I spent my day off. I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day too, keep our troops & their families in your prayers. They need every one. God Bless!

Here is that great macaroni salad (super simple to make) recipe I mentioned yesterday:
This makes a really large batch, good to take to a picnic or cook-out. It's self explanatory to make, so here are just the ingredients.

Mom's Macaroni Salad

1 16 oz box of elbow macaroni (I prefer Barilla Plus)
1 1/4 c. Hellmanns low fat mayo
2 tbsp of Frenchs mustard
2 tsp of cider vinegar (and to this disolve either 1 tsp of sugar or 1 packet of Splenda)
1 large sweet Vidalia onion, finely chopped
1 large green bell pepper, finely chopped
3 ribs of celery, very finely chopped

Once made, sprinkle really well with black pepper & refrigerate overnight. The flavor is better when it gets to sit overnight. ENJOY!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

This week was blah.....

This week can best be described as blasé blah! I wish I had a more positive outlook regarding this past week, but every single day seemed to D-R-A-G! The absolute only thing I looked forward to (which I guess could be viewed as a good thing?) was exercising daily.

I mean, I genuinely looked forward to sweating it out whatever I was doing. And tennis after going to LifeShape on Wednesday was AWESOME! The courts we found were in perfect shape & we even bumped into a couple from W.Melbourne that’s interested in doing some pickup doubles. Plus they gave us the low down on all the pickup matches in our area, so that was nice. NOT that we are rocking as far as our game in concerned yet, but these folks knew how to play, which is nice when you bump into somebody on the tennis court. My only concern is just starting back to playing & my singles game could be improved before I start on doubles, but I guess exercise is exercise? So just as much as I can fit in can’t be bad.

Had my weigh in Tuesday & I was holding from last week. I wish I could say that YEAH I am finally under 2, but alas no.

No matter, I really am just concerned with writing absolutely everything down that I eat. I know if I can keep up with the food journal it will be a big help. It is so much harder than exercising. And I thought getting my fitness right would be my toughest part. I can’t believe how naïve I was to think that I thought the food thing would be easier.
It is easier when I have all my meals planned out, then journaling is no sweat. But when it’s a day when I start out & I don’t even know what I’m going to do for breakfast, then it goes a little downhill from there. I need to change up something when it comes to the food thing anyway. I have not hit any plateaus, but I feel like my food is blasé too. We’ll see what I can do about that this week.

Whatever I am doing, I want to start my day off right. Just being positive & letting God lead my path. Instead of getting off on the wrong foot, which this past week has felt like a little. I feel like when I play it by ear & sometimes get the blahs, I get snarky.

I do want to pass on a few good “finds” I’ve come across these past few weeks. And food-wise there are some things I’ve hit on & I’m not tired of them yet.

Danon Greek yogurt has no fat & it is a WONDERFUL source of protein, you get 25% of your daily value in 1 cup. I personally love the vanilla flavor. I will usually add a little cereal to it or 1 of my Natures Valley pomegranate, cranberry & almond bars, although the yogurt is tasty all by itself. And it does not taste like something that is low-fat or non-fat to me.

The Healthy Choice Steamers are quite healthy & the best thing I like about them is they taste great, but are very low in sodium. Most of the processed stuff you find in the freezer section (except veggies) have way too many additives, typically sodium, so I try to stay away. But these (I’ve liked all of the meals I have tried in these) & Kashi are pretty good. Anybody that knows me knows I’m a pretty adventurous eater, I really won’t say no to any one thing, I like it all. The Kashi “Mayan Harvest Bake” is one of my favorite picks. It is 100% vegetarian & has black beans, so it’s good on protein, as well.

Well that is all for now. Happy Memorial Day! We are grilling out & if I can find the recipe for my mothers fabulous, low-fat macaroni salad, I will share next time. I swear it is THE BOMB!!! Best macaroni salad & it is so simple to make. Plus it is made with low-fat mayo. Hey if you're going to go for macaroni salad, give it a try.

To work on this week: Food journaling
Will report how I did next week!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

FINALLY....I'm back!

This entry will totally sum up everything I've done in the past month & a half.
First things first: I'VE LOST 8.2 LBS!!!!! So psyched about that. My next weigh in is this coming Tuesday, I was hoping to be under 200 but we shall see....I weighed in this past Monday at the LifeShape gym I've been going to Mondays & Wednesdays & was told I was at 202 even. So over 2 lbs in a week? Like I said, we'll see. I know even if I don't hit the magic # by Tuesday that before May ends, I will be under 200 lbs & that is like my "Biggest Loser" milestone moment for me. The next big goal I have in mind is to be between 165-180 by the time I go to Nashville in August.
And I know that I can achieve that. 165 is kinda pushing it but 180 I know is attainable. I've really been getting into my workouts, sorry I don't have the play-by-play of what I have been doing, but I can describe just how much I've been working out. My week pretty much goes like this:

Sunday I go to my gym with my friend Christa & we do what is called a STRONG class. It is working out muscle groups with weights & the instructor is KICK BUTT! I love her! She really pushes you to get the most out of yourself. When we get done with her class it's like you always kinda feel exhausted but exhilarated at the same time. Like, "I just DID THAT?" So that is a great way to start my week off.

Monday & Wednesday I go to LifeShape to work out with my trainer who is very motivating & is always doing something that I consider "unique". Unique in that his approach to fitness doesn't seem to be what I consider straight on. He is always having me do something different like push ups off an eliptical machine after I've just finished working out on it or pull ups off of a treadmill when I've done the same. I do not even bother to clock watch anymore when I get into the gym to workout, because I've noticed that he knows I do that & he'll be even more relentless!!!! haha
The best thing lately is there is always some different way to get my heart rate up. Like hopping up & down off of a bosu ball (something that I was not trusting until I did it last week & was proud of myself) or boxing intervals or doing this "ball to the wall" thing as he likes to call it. Ball to the wall is where he literally throws the ball to the other side of the gym & I have to go run it down & then run back across the gym while holding the ball over my head. So humiliating!!! I call it what it is: FETCH!!! But I do not question it, I'm like Nike: I "Just Do It". Because obviously his methods work. And there is never a dull moment. I really like working out there.

Tuesday I have been doing either one of 3 things: Walking the causeway, playing tennis or walking off of Dairy Rd in W.Melb. The causeway & Dairy are both over 3 mile walks. But Andy & I played tennis this past Tuesday & when I got done I thought, hummm I don't think that is as much of a work out as the walking. Boy was I WRONG! Because I am having to basically get down & squat to return serve, I'm doing squats which are kick butt! My thighs were sore Wednesday & I was wondering why? Over 2 sets of tennis will do that. I can't wait to go again & play this week. Haven't been out on the tennis court in almost 2 years, probably?

Thursday The past 3 weeks I have been walking Dairy. Feels good that now it just seems to get easier & faster time everytime I go.

Friday is my day off.

Saturday The last two I have gone to Viera's ProHealth. I love their equiptment & all the machines, leg press, torso twist, arm machines (although I do quite a bit of free weights with my arms at LifeShape so I try not to do too much overkill on the arms on Saturdays). I want to try the STRONG class there on Saturdays too. Or Pilates. I hope to report back that next time I blog about what I am doing for workouts that I can say I've tried a Pilates mat class & the cardio kickbox class on Tuesdays that Christa is trying to drag me too.

Well that's all folks. And that is pretty good for now. And Rob, if you are reading this, my #1 motivation lately has been music. And my "go to music" for working out the past few weeks has been LaRoux.....SO GOOD!

Love to you all & I as always, thank you for your well wishes & support. Hopefully it won't be another month & a half til next time?