Sunday, May 30, 2010

This week was blah.....

This week can best be described as blasé blah! I wish I had a more positive outlook regarding this past week, but every single day seemed to D-R-A-G! The absolute only thing I looked forward to (which I guess could be viewed as a good thing?) was exercising daily.

I mean, I genuinely looked forward to sweating it out whatever I was doing. And tennis after going to LifeShape on Wednesday was AWESOME! The courts we found were in perfect shape & we even bumped into a couple from W.Melbourne that’s interested in doing some pickup doubles. Plus they gave us the low down on all the pickup matches in our area, so that was nice. NOT that we are rocking as far as our game in concerned yet, but these folks knew how to play, which is nice when you bump into somebody on the tennis court. My only concern is just starting back to playing & my singles game could be improved before I start on doubles, but I guess exercise is exercise? So just as much as I can fit in can’t be bad.

Had my weigh in Tuesday & I was holding from last week. I wish I could say that YEAH I am finally under 2, but alas no.

No matter, I really am just concerned with writing absolutely everything down that I eat. I know if I can keep up with the food journal it will be a big help. It is so much harder than exercising. And I thought getting my fitness right would be my toughest part. I can’t believe how naïve I was to think that I thought the food thing would be easier.
It is easier when I have all my meals planned out, then journaling is no sweat. But when it’s a day when I start out & I don’t even know what I’m going to do for breakfast, then it goes a little downhill from there. I need to change up something when it comes to the food thing anyway. I have not hit any plateaus, but I feel like my food is blasé too. We’ll see what I can do about that this week.

Whatever I am doing, I want to start my day off right. Just being positive & letting God lead my path. Instead of getting off on the wrong foot, which this past week has felt like a little. I feel like when I play it by ear & sometimes get the blahs, I get snarky.

I do want to pass on a few good “finds” I’ve come across these past few weeks. And food-wise there are some things I’ve hit on & I’m not tired of them yet.

Danon Greek yogurt has no fat & it is a WONDERFUL source of protein, you get 25% of your daily value in 1 cup. I personally love the vanilla flavor. I will usually add a little cereal to it or 1 of my Natures Valley pomegranate, cranberry & almond bars, although the yogurt is tasty all by itself. And it does not taste like something that is low-fat or non-fat to me.

The Healthy Choice Steamers are quite healthy & the best thing I like about them is they taste great, but are very low in sodium. Most of the processed stuff you find in the freezer section (except veggies) have way too many additives, typically sodium, so I try to stay away. But these (I’ve liked all of the meals I have tried in these) & Kashi are pretty good. Anybody that knows me knows I’m a pretty adventurous eater, I really won’t say no to any one thing, I like it all. The Kashi “Mayan Harvest Bake” is one of my favorite picks. It is 100% vegetarian & has black beans, so it’s good on protein, as well.

Well that is all for now. Happy Memorial Day! We are grilling out & if I can find the recipe for my mothers fabulous, low-fat macaroni salad, I will share next time. I swear it is THE BOMB!!! Best macaroni salad & it is so simple to make. Plus it is made with low-fat mayo. Hey if you're going to go for macaroni salad, give it a try.

To work on this week: Food journaling
Will report how I did next week!

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