Monday, May 31, 2010

TENNIS & grilling out...what a great Memorial Day!

I can say that I has an absolutely fabulous Memorial Day. Started the day off with playing 2 sets of tennis. Man was it hot!!! We were really sweating it out. It felt good, but the heat got to me by the later 1/2 of the second set & I did get a tad bit pink today. It will turn, I never burn, but my forehead got a little bit too much sun.

Then by the time we got home the French Open was on. So more tennis! The womens match was really good. I was wiped out from all the sun earlier. Later on we had the best BBQ - ribs & chicken! Along with that prized macaroni salad (recipe follows).

This might be a short entry, but that is because I was just completely satisfied with how I spent my day off. I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day too, keep our troops & their families in your prayers. They need every one. God Bless!

Here is that great macaroni salad (super simple to make) recipe I mentioned yesterday:
This makes a really large batch, good to take to a picnic or cook-out. It's self explanatory to make, so here are just the ingredients.

Mom's Macaroni Salad

1 16 oz box of elbow macaroni (I prefer Barilla Plus)
1 1/4 c. Hellmanns low fat mayo
2 tbsp of Frenchs mustard
2 tsp of cider vinegar (and to this disolve either 1 tsp of sugar or 1 packet of Splenda)
1 large sweet Vidalia onion, finely chopped
1 large green bell pepper, finely chopped
3 ribs of celery, very finely chopped

Once made, sprinkle really well with black pepper & refrigerate overnight. The flavor is better when it gets to sit overnight. ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole - it was good to have you at Sager Brown this week! I'm so glad you made use of the gym because not many of our volunteers stay that dedicated. blessings, marlene
