Monday, March 1, 2010

How this will go

Ok everybody, this is going to be a very informal blog basically all about how I will go about loosing weight this year. I hope to post a pic monthly of myself. It makes me accountable. And the #1 reason I am starting this blog is because if I have to be held to some level of accountability I KNOW I WILL DO THIS!
I also hope to post my monthly weigh in amount (NO! I will NOT be ashamed!!). Shame & fear, in some respects, is what got me to where I am today. I will share my ups & downs. My sense of humor can be quite absurd at times, I make no apologies for it. It's how I deal.
And when I say share, I will share just as much as I feel like.
Some days may be silly (just what I ate), some days may be joyous (I LOST 5 LBS! or did great with some new cardio!), some days may be just me rambling (you'll have to pick & choose which days those are for yourself).
And if you haven't already figured out by now, I type like I talk. Should make for an interesting read, no?
This week, on my plate: I find out once & for all about which group I fall into: BIB or control group. If I'm in control group, my work outs should start like next Monday with my trainer. BIB group, you'll have to read here to find out.
I really can't wait for my workouts to start! I even treated myself to a new IPod Touch (something I never do, I can't see spending that much money sometimes at a whack?) for my music to work out to.
YEH! I'm excited.

To work on this week: Fitness
Will report how I did next week.

1 comment:

  1. awesome post girl! can't wait to see what happens this week with either getting the bib or not. i can't wait to hear how the workouts and the dietician shape your results as well.

    wait , i just reread. if you get the bib do you get a trainer and dietician?
