Sunday, March 14, 2010

Feeling "THE BURN"!

Yeah I knew it would be like this. Feeling the burn, or the stiffness or the soreness, whatever you want to call it, I was feeling "IT" this week!
Started my workouts with the personal trainer & it's great.
Monday-was a light session. Started on the stationary bike, went to the treadmill, tossed the 9lb. medicine ball back & forth and did some push ups off the wall. I thought "this is it"? Nice, easy start. Boy....then came Wed.
Wednesday-started off on the treadmill. Did some squats with the ball & worked my arms (this is where my thighs started to be sore on Thurs from all these squats on Wed), backward eliptical made me feel uncoordinated, but was great. Then lift ups & pull ups with the bands & something I'm going to refer to as "hop ups" with the 9lb. ball again to end things. The hop ups were a joke for me because I was forgetting to breathe.
Friday-YIKEY CRIKEY! Started on the eliptical & then did intervals of taking the RPMs to 80, back down to 45, then up to 80 again & so forth for 7 mins. Then I got down on a yoga mat & had to lift an exercise ball (squeezing between my feet and lifting the ball up off of the floor) with my non-existent abdominal muscles. Holy Cow! This was by far the hardest for me this week. My abdominals will need the most work. I then got to switch to something my trainer told me was my strength and that is my upper body. I was pleased to hear that he thought I had a strength, haha. I did modified push ups, kick outs & ups, then got up & worked my arms with the 10lb. ball.
I am going to take some good tips I got this week for post workout snacks, see what works after weigh in this week. I know about having something with some good protein in it & poss. a little bit of carb to put back a little sugar. Not a lot, though. I was even shot down when I thought that cereal & milk would make a good "late snack" idea? Nope, I was told protein+protein, and some fruit. I ate a weird combo after my workout Wednesday night. Some lean pork, a 2% cheese stick. Then a few hrs later another 2% cheese stick along with a piece of fruit which = a cutie clementine for me. Sounds odd....but it did work great! I have to keep my food journal for everything I'm eating with me. My goal is to write it all down & be accountable for it this week.

To work on this week: Food Journal
Will report how I did next week

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