Thursday, March 4, 2010

Getting started

I'm very excited today. I got the call Tuesday to let me know which group I was placed in (for the study). I'm in the control group. I really wasn't bummed out, which I thought I might be. I'm just looking forward to what this next week brings. I already have 3 scheduled sessions with my personal trainer set up for Monday, Wednesday & Friday. So shewwwwwww.....I'll be a sore pup next week, but it'll be kinda cool to see what they'll have me doing?
Go for my second "official" study visit today which I'm sure they'll now have us start keeping the food journal & offer tips for healthier eating. Other than that, don't know what we'll be discussing or doing? I'll get measured & weighed at every visit and I think the same general series of questions is asked of you. The nutritionist helps you figure out what works for you, food wise VS. what doesn't. This will be interesting, the first month to see how I do this on my own. I hope I make good decisions for my 1000-1500 cal a day diet.
Keep hoping & praying for me! This is for the long haul!!

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